6–7 Feb 2023 ONLINE
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Non-Abelian braiding of phonons from first principles

Not scheduled
Contributed Talk


Bo Peng (University of Cambridge)


Non-Abelian braiding of quasiparticles can encode quantum information immune from environmental noise with the potential to realize topological quantum computation. Here we propose that phonons, a bosonic excitation of lattice vibrations, can carry non-Abelian charges in their band structures that can be braided using external stimuli. Taking some earthly abundant materials such as silicates [1] and aluminium oxide [2] as representative examples, we demonstrate that an external electric field or electrostatic doping can give rise to phonon band inversions that induce the redistribution of non-Abelian charges, leading to non-Abelian braiding of phonons. We show that phonons can be a primary platform to study non-Abelian braiding in the reciprocal space, and we expand the toolset to study such braiding processes.

[1] Bo Peng, Adrien Bouhon, Bartomeu Monserrat & Robert-Jan Slager. Nature Communications 13, 423 (2022).
[2] Bo Peng, Adrien Bouhon, Robert-Jan Slager & Bartomeu Monserrat. Physical Review B 105, 085115 (2022).

Primary author

Bo Peng (University of Cambridge)


Adrien Bouhon (University of Cambridge) Robert-Jan Slager (University of Cambridge) Bartomeu Monserrat

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