12–13 Sept 2023 ONLINE
Europe/Lisbon timezone

fromage: A library for the study of molecular crystal excited states at the aggregate scale

Not scheduled


Colégio do Espírito Santo Rua do Cardeal Rei 6 7000-645 Évora PORTUGAL
Invited Talk Other


Rachel Crespo-Otero (University College o London)


The study of photoexcitations in molecular aggregates faces the twofold problem of the increased computational cost associated with excited states and the complexity of the interactions among the constituent monomers. A mechanistic investigation of these processes requires the analysis of the intermolecular interactions, the effect of the environment, and 3D arrangements or crystal packing on the excited states. A considerable number of techniques have been tailored to navigate these obstacles; however, they are usually restricted to in-house codes and thus require a disproportionate effort to adopt by researchers approaching the field. In this talk, I will present the FRamewOrk for Molecular AGgregate Excitations (fromage), which implements a collection of such techniques in a Python library complemented with ready-to-use scripts including tools for geometrical analysis, exciton characterization, and a variety of ONIOM schemes. Each is illustrated by examples of diverse organic molecules in condensed phase settings. The program is available at https://github.com/Crespo-Otero-group/fromage.

Primary author

Rachel Crespo-Otero (University College o London)

Presentation materials

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