Times in GMT+1/UTC+1 Time-zone
Day 1 (March 26)
14:00-14:10: Meeting start & welcome
14:10-14:40: (Opening talk) TBA
14:50-15:15: (Invited talk) 'Understanding TiO$_2$ surface reactivity: a synergistic approach with spectroscopy and DFT modeling', Lorenzo Mino, Università di Torino
15:20-15:35: (CT)
15:40-15:55: (CT)
16:00-16:20 Coffee Break
16:20-16:45: (Invited talk) 'Electrocatalysis of MXenes: On 2D Materials and Single-Atom Catalysts', Kai S. Exner, University of Duisburg-Essen
16:50-17:05: (CT)
17:10-17:25: (CT)
17:30-17:55: (Invited talk) 'TBA', Geoffroy Hautier, Dartmouth Engineering Faculty
18:00 End of day one
Day 2 (March 27)
14:00-14:05: Welcome
14:05-14:30: (Invited talk) 'Modelling of lubricant additives from first principles', Chiara Gattinoni, King's College of London
14:35-14:50: (CT)
14:55-15:20: (Invited talk)
15:25-16:00: Poster presentations
16:10-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-16:55: (Invited talk) 'Exploring the Photoactive Properties of MXenes for Water Splitting', Diego Ontiveros Cruz, University of Barcelona
17:00-17:15: (CT)
17:20-17:45: (Invited talk) 'TBA', Marco Molinari, Huddersfield University
17:50-18:00: Meeting Summary & Discussion
18:00 Farewell and end of the meeting