Feb 14 – 15, 2024 ONLINE
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Meeting Program

Day 1 (February 14)

13:30-13:40: Meeting start & welcome

13:40-14:10: (Opening talk) Machine‐Learning‐Assisted Determination of the Global Zero‐Temperature Phase Diagram of Materials, Miguel Marques, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

14:20-14:35: (CT) High throughput first-principle prediction of tribological properties of solid-solid interfaces using VASP, Margherita Marsili, Universita' di Bologna, Italy

14:40-14:55: (CT) MPS3 and MPS4 The interplay between structure and magnetic ordering, Beatriz Guedes, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany

15:00-15:20 Coffee Break

15:20-15:45: (Invited talk) Automated workflows for materials discovery, Alexander Ganose, Imperial College of London, UK

15:50-16:05: (CT) 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides based bilayer heterojunctions for efficient solar cells, Khushboo Dange, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

16:10-16:25: (CT) Insights from first principles calculations into low lattice thermal conductivity materials for thermal energy applications, Rakesh Chand, RGUKT Basar & NIT Warangal, India

16:30-16:45: (CT)  Halogen modification of SACs for CO2 Reduction Reaction, Renna Shakir, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, India

16:50-17:15: (Invited talk) Modelling the Infrared and Raman Fingerprint of Phosphate Adsorption on Ceria Surfaces, Marco Molinari, University of Huddersfield, UK

17:30 End of day one

Day 2 (February 15)

13:00-13:05: Welcome

13:05-13:30: (Invited talk) VASP-based simulation of scanning tunneling microscopy, Krisztián Palotás, HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary

13:35-13:50: (CT) A theoretical method for angle-resolved photoemission of two-dimensional systems based on repeated-slab projector-augmented wave functions, Misa Nozaki, Chiba University, Japan

13:55-14:10: (CT) Topological phase transition in isostructural SnPbSe2: A first-principle study, Ramesh Kumar, Delhi Technological University, India

14:15-14:30: (CT) 2D BN-Biphenylene: Structure Stability and Properties Tunability with DFT Perspective, Mukesh Singh, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

14:35-14:50 Coffee Break

14:50-15:50 Posters presentations

14:50-14:55: Study of Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Properties of Gd3In Material, Khaoula Asame, Mohammed V University, Marrocos

14:55-15:00: Predicting Novel 2D AsBiX3 (X = S, Se, and Te) Auxetic Monolayers with Favorable Optical and Photocatalytic Water-Splitting Properties, Noures Kedidi, University of Monastir, Tunisia

15:00-15:05: Synthesis, photocatalytic activity and electric dipole formation in bismuth oxychloride BixOyClz: Experiment and Theory, Lawal Mohammed, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria

15:05-15:10: Design of spin-orbital-textures in ferromagnetic/topological insulator interfaces, Augusto Araújo, CNPEM, Brazil

15:10-15:15: Influence of Transition metal elements on Phase Stabilities, electronic and Elastic Properties of the MnV alloys: Ab initio calculations, Abdessamd Sekkal, ENSTA, Algeria

15:15-15:20: Effect of lattice dynamics on thermoelectric performance of Li-based transition metal nitrides, Sangeeta Dhull, Delhi Technological University, India

15:20-15:25: Fine-Tuning of Thermoelectric figure of merit: The Role of Carrier Concentration in HfO2, Rajesh Kumar, Delhi Technological University, India

15:25-15:30: Li/Na battery anode materials: A First-Principles Study of YB MBene using Density Functional Theory (DFT), Pooja Rani, Guru Jambheswar University of Science and Technology, India

15:30-15:35: Utilizing tunable hydrogen interstitials in two-dimensional n-type pyrite, a highly selective catalyst for CO2 reduction, Ghada Khedr, Egyptian petroleum research institute, Egypt

15:35-15:50: Discussion

15:50-16:05: (CT) Tuning adhesion of C/Cu interfaces through chemical modifications and surface reconstruction, Elisa Damiani, Universita' di Bologna, Italy

16:10-16:25: (CT) First principles assessment of prospective tunnel barriers at semiconductor/superconductor interfaces, Malcolm Jardine, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

16:30-16:55: (Invited talk) Calculation of Nonradiative Transition Rates at Defects in Semiconductors and Insulators, Mark Turiansky, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

17:10 Farewell and end of the meeting