Mar 27 – 29, 2023 ONLINE
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Meeting Program

All times refer to Western European Summer Time (WEST, UTC+01:00)


Day 1 (March 27)

14:00-14:10: Welcome

Opening Talk

14:10-14:40  Research Computing for the Rest of Us: Challenges of High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for the (Digital) Humanities, Julia Flanders, Northeastern University, US


Session 1 (Programming in Digital Humanities)

14:50-15:15  Digital Humanities Ecosystem with Python & Machine Learning, William Mattingly, Smithsonian Data Science Lab, US (IT)

15:20-15:35  „Hello Humanities!“ – A Modular Python Programming Course Targeting the Specific Needs and Requirements of Humanities StudentsYannick Frommherz, Technical University of Dresden, Germany (CT)

15:40-15:55  Digital Humanities with Julia - An Overview, Francisco Coelho, University of Évora, Portugal (CT)

16:00-16:20 Coffee Break

16:20-16:45  Combining Programming Education and Computational Thinking in the Field of Digital Humanities, Marcelo Milrad, Linnaeus University, Sweden (IT)

16:50-17:05  Using Virtual Reality in Vocational Language Teaching Programs, Ana Alexandra Silva, University of Évora, Portugal (CT)

17:10-17:25  Code Read: Assessing the Programming Skills and Reflections among Digital Humanities Master StudentsAhmad Kamal, Linnaeus University, Sweden (CT)

17:30-17:55  Exploratory Programming for Arts and Humanities, Nick Montfort, MIT, US, & University of Bergen, Norway (IT)

18:00 End of day one


Day 2 (March 28)

14:00-14:10: Welcome and some information

Session 2 (Data Infrastructure and Data Processing)

14:10-14:35  How to Create and Use a National Cross-domain Ontology and Data Infrastructure on the Semantic Web, Eero Hyvönen, Aalto University, Finland (IT)

14:40-14:55  The High Performance Computing Chair@U.Evora and the Computational & Data Infrastructure Available for the European Digital Humanities,  Miguel Avillez, HPC Chair, University of Évora, Portugal,  & Technical University of Berlin, Germany (CT)

15:00-15:15  Strengthening Computation Skills, Strengthening Digital Humanities, Strengthening Data Infrastructures in Warsaw, Francis Harvey, University of Warsaw, Poland (CT)

15:20-15:35  People First - Testing Integrated Digital Research/Teaching Concepts from the Ground upLuís Trigo, University of Porto, Portugal (CT)

15:40-16:05  Data Models and Knowledge Organization in Digital Humanities, Francesca Tomasi, University of Bologna, Italy (IT)

16:10-16:30 Coffee Break

Session 3 (Tourism Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence)

16:30-16:55  Big Data Empowered Agility for Dynamic, Volatile, and Time-Sensitive Service Industries: the Case of Tourism Sector, Nikolaos Stylos, University of Bristol, UK (IT)

17:00-17:15  How to Handle a Smart Tourism Design Process for Sustainable Destinations Based on Small and Big Data? Evidences from the PISTA Project, Jaime Serra, University of Évora, Portugal (CT)

17:20-17:45  Why Travel and Tourism and its Rich Data Potential is a Great Field to Deploy AIJacques Bulchand-Gidumal, University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, Spain (IT)

18:00 End of day two


Day 3 (March 29)

14:00-14:10: Welcome and some information

Session 4 (Data Modelling in History and Cultural Heritage)

14:10-14:35  Fostering Digital Transformation in the Common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage - Through Assessment, Measurement and Data Analysis, Fiona Mowat, Europeana Foundation, The Netherlands (IT)

14:40-14:55  Extracting and Sharing Portuguese Archaeological Knowledge, Ivo Santos, University of Évora, Portugal (CT)

15:00-15:15  Oxoce - Structured Thematic [Re]Search Engine, Tiago Gil, University of Brasilia, Brazil (CT)

15:20-15:35  How Different are Diachronic Spelling Portuguese Variants? The Jaccard Similarity in Historic Portuguese texts, Helena Freire Cameron, Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal (CT)

15:40-16:05  Modelling Historical Data in the RELEVEN Project, Tara Andrews, University of Vienna, Austria (IT)

16:10-16:30 Coffee Break

Session 5 (Language Processing and Text Analysis)

16:30-16:55  Making Readings Readable: a Two-Step Process to Processing PlaysFernando Sanz-Lázaro, University of Vienna, Austria (IT)

17:00-17:15  AiBERTa - An European-Portuguese Language Model, Nuno Miquelina, University of Évora, Portugal (CT)

17:20-17:35  Semantic Analysis from a Relational SQL Database: a Practical ExampleÁlvaro Piquero Rodríguez, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain (CT)

17:40-17:55  Data Visualization Applied to Glossaries: Exploring Typologies via Employing Echarts.jsMariana Pereira, University of Minho, Portugal (CT)

18:00-18:15  Using BERT to Retrieve Academic and Scientific Language in Small and Large Corpora, Micaela Aguiar, University of Minho, Portugal (CT)


Closing Talk

18:20-18:45  Mind the Gap: Gender Bias and Women's Social Representation in AI and DHs, Maria Zozaya-Montes, University of Évora, Portugal

18:50 End of the meeting - Farewell