16–17 Dec 2021 ONLINE
Évora, Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone

A light Python experience applied to the scholarly editing workflow

Not scheduled
Évora, Portugal

Évora, Portugal

Contributed Talk Using Python and Julia in Digital Humanities


Sandra Boto (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)


Critically editing a text using the methods of textual criticism (Blecua, 1983) calls for a sequence of time-consuming tasks that no editor can avoid. One of them (perhaps the most complex and with greatest consequences for the text to be fixed) is the one known as collatio codicum. This basically consists of comparing all the relevant witnesses of a text in order to identify its variants, which are then analysed by the editor.
In the case of complex textual traditions, which involve pre-textual manuscript stages, as it occurs with the critical-genetic edition of Almeida Garrett's Romanceiro, it was decided to semi-automate this task in order to speed up the procedure (Boto, 2019). The tool chosen for this process was CollateX which, unlike other user friendly and open source tools available, requires the philologist to be proficient in the Python programming language. This paper will explain the reasons for choosing this tool, the specific use we make of it in this particular issue. At the same time we will comment on the code generated according to the intended results.

Works cited:
Blecua, A. (1983). Manual de crítica textual. Madrid: Castalia.
Boto, S. (2019). La collatio semiautomática al servicio de la edición del Romanceiro de A. Garrett. En J. L. Martos y N. Mangas (Coords.) Pragmática y metodologías para el estudio de la poesía medieval (pp. 115- 126). Alacant: Universitat d’Alacant.
CollateX – Software for Collaing Textual Sources. Retrieved December, 7, 2021, from https://collatex.net/

Primary author

Sandra Boto (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

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