The Programming Historian em português (PHP) was released in January 2021, a translation of the platform and lessons of the original English version The Programming Historian (PH). The latter is being developed since 2008, initially consisting of lessons on Python, created by William J. Turkel and Alan MacEachern. In 2012, its editorial team and thematic scope was expanded, transforming it in the open access platform that we today know and use, where lessons with open peer review are published, covering digital methodologies that can be applied to Humanities and Social Sciences.
Although initially focusing in the English-speaking world, PH reached a wider geographical and linguistic audience, and enlarged the lessons’ scope. The first version in another language was the Spanish one (2017), followed by the French (2019) and the Portuguese initiatives. The latter, integrates Portuguese and Brazilian teachers, researchers, and students, from different academic institutions. Due to this collaborative work, in a year, not only the platform was translated, but also 17 lessons concerning the use of Omeka, Python, R, web and HTML pages, Markdown syntaxis, and GIS (of a total of 86 lessons in the English version, 53 in the Spanish and 20 in the French). More lessons are being translated and reviewed, most of them on Python and R.
In this paper we aim to present how the Portuguese (multinational) team was created and its experience in collaborating in this project - how it adapted to the project’s work methods (GitHub and Markdown), how the initial lessons to be translated were stablished (considering the ones pottentialy important for teaching proposes), and the look for funding, which enabled students from NOVA FCSH and FGV to engage with this international project and DH’s tools. We will also focus on the application of the lessons in classroom in NOVA FCSH and FGV, and its effects on helping to change the students’ profile, connecting them to digital tools and technologies. This is a goal from a collaborative project on “literacia digital”, currently developed in/and funded by FGV, with IHC’s Digital Humanities Lab collaboration. PHP can be a relevant pedagogical tool to be used in classroom, improving students’ and future researchers’ digital expertise. We also aim at building a stronger and easier way of dialoguing with IT specialists for a more critical creation, conception and use of digital tools that are relevant for humanities and social sciences research.