16–17 Dec 2021 ONLINE
Évora, Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone

The use of the free software Omeka to demonstrate the value of the murals in the region of Sierra de Huelva through virtual visits: In support of rural development

Not scheduled
Évora, Portugal

Évora, Portugal

Contributed Talk


Antonio Manuel Cuaresma Maestre (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)


The principal focus of this research is to demonstrate the value of the wall paintings of Sierra de Huelva, bringing recognition to this aspect of the history of Spanish art to all levels. To do this, we first document all of the representations, then construct a digital toolkit in which one can access this information.

To achieve our objective, we utilize a virtual exposition around which focuses our methodology to achieve it.

Firstly, we compile everything published on the theme, after which we carry out an exhaustive field study. From this we can start to devise a robust database of wall paintings, complemented by another bibliography database making use of the free software program Zotero. Following the example of Luis Codina we design a data dictionary, using as a reference this documental database. We continue with the organization of images by their ID’s as listed in the database so that they are organized for use in the virtual exposition.

The end product of this research is the final virtual exposition where the value of the information will be seen through the empirical database that the research creates. This virtual exposition will help us to demonstrate the importance of the wall paintings shown in it.

To create our virtual exposition, we utilize the free and flexible open source software Omeka, an application designed to show collections and expositions, adapting it perfectly to our needs. This will allow us to create a repository by organizing digital objects in different collections.

Our creation is strengthened even more when connected to other sources of digital information. In this way our project forms part of the strategy to transform the way we organize information and unlock its true value, in line with the Open Data movement.

The intended result is that once the project is completed, the wall paintings of the Sierra reach through electronic devices everyone that is interested and that this excites them to travel to where they are actually located. For this we consider the virtual visit of every building with paintings to be something fundamental to an individual’s consideration to make a visit, and the use of facts during the visualization of a place at one time abandoned. All of this can have beneficial effects, from the point of view of cultural tourism, for the whole region.

Primary author

Antonio Manuel Cuaresma Maestre (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

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